OOI/Ocean Data Labs Publications
The following publications have been created as part of the OOI Data Labs project. We hope you find them helpful in learning more about how OOI data can be into your courses.
Lichtenwalner, C. S., K. Hunter-Thomson, and J. McDonnell (2021), A design process for developing Ocean Data Explorations, in OCEANS 2021: San Diego – Porto, pp. 1–6, IEEE. doi: 10.23919/OCEANS44145.2021.9705796
Lichtenwalner, C. S., J. Kohut, C. Bean, and J. McDonnell (2021), Engaging students in an ocean data analysis based Virtual REU, in OCEANS 2021: San Diego – Porto, pp. 1–6, IEEE. doi: 10.23919/OCEANS44145.2021.9705996
McDonnell, Janice, S. Lichtenwalner, C. Greengrove, A. Pfeiffer-Herbert and L. M. Smith (2021). OOI Education: Using Real-World Data from the Ocean Observatories Initiative in Teaching. In Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI) Science Plan: Exciting Science Opportunities using OOI Data. doi: 10.23860/ooi-science-plan-2021-01.
McDonnell, J., and S. Lichtenwalner (2021). Sidebar: The Data Labs Project: Building a Community of Practice Using OOI Data. In Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI) Science Plan: Exciting Science Opportunities using OOI Data. doi: 10.23860/ooi-science-plan-2021-01.
Barr, J., C. Bean, and J. McDonnell (2020), Strategies for Running a Successful Virtual Career Panel, Oceanography, 33(2), doi:10.5670/oceanog.2020.220.
Greengrove, C., S. Lichtenwalner, H. Palevsky, A. Pfeiffer-Herbert, S. Severmann, D. Soule, S. Murphy, L. Smith, and K. Yarincik (2020), Using Authentic Data from NSF’s Ocean Observatories Initiative in Undergraduate Teaching: An Invitation, Oceanography, 33(1), doi:10.5670/oceanog.2020.103.
McDonnell, J., A. DeCharon, C. S. Lichtenwalner, K. Hunter-Thomson, C. Halversen, O. Schofield, S. Glenn, C. Ferraro, C. Lauter, and J. Hewlett (2018), Education and Public Engagement in OOI: Lessons Learned from the Field, Oceanography, 31(1), 138–146, doi:10.5670/oceanog.2018.122.
Hunter-Thomson, K., S. Lichtenwalner, and J. McDonnell (2017), Incorporating Observatory Data into Oceanography Courses, Eos (Washington. DC)., doi:10.1029/2017EO087369.
Presented Talks and Posters
- NSF OOI Coastal Pioneer Southern Mid-Atlantic Bight (MAB) Array Community Workshop. 9/10-12/2024
- Poster: Bristol, D., A. Pfeiffer-Herbert and J. Olney (2024). Using authentic OOI data to change 2YC students’ perceptions and data literacy.
- Poster: Drewes, A., K. Browne, G. Smalley and S. Lichtenwalner (2024). Guiding students to use evidence to support their scientific reasoning: Research Results.
- Poster: Pfeiffer-Herbert, A., D. Bristol, C.S. Lichtenwalner, J. McDonnell (2024). The OOI Data Lab Manual: Using large ocean observatory data to improve data literacy in multi-modal undergraduate courses.
- Plenary: Pfeiffer-Herbert, A. and S. Lichtenwalner (2024). Graduate/Undergraduate Student Engagement.
- Drewes, A., K. Browne, G. Smalley and S. Lichtenwalner (2024). Guiding students to use evidence to support their scientific reasoning: Research Results. Earth Educators Rendezvous. 7/15/2024
- Pfeiffer-Herbert, A. and J. McDonnell (2024). An Update on the OOI Data Labs Project. NSF OOI Facilities Board Spring Meeting. 5/8/2024
- 2024 Ocean Sciences – Presentations and Posters
- McDonnell, J. (2023) An update on the OOI Data Labs Project. NSF OOI Facilities Board Fall Meeting. 10/13/2023
- Lichtenwalner, S. (2023) OOI Data Labs 2.0. NSF OOI Data Systems Committee Fall Meeting. 10/11/2023
- Browne, K., A. Drewes, S. Lichtenwalner, and G. Smalley (2022). Guiding Students to use Data to Support their Scientific Reasoning. NAGT Webinar. 12/12/2022
- McDonnell, J. (2022). Building Effective Partnerships. OOI Facilities Board Northeast Pacific Workshop. 6/9/2022
- Reed, A. and S. Lichtenwalner (2022). Accessing OOI Data via the Machine 2 Machine Interface. OOI Facilities Board Northeast Pacific Workshop. 6/7/2022
- McDonnell, J. (2020). Ocean Data Labs Update. 2020 AGU Fall Meeting, OOI Facilities Board Town Hall. 12/8/2020
- 2020 AGU Fall Meeting – REU Student Presentations
- 2020 Virtual REU Final Presentations
- McDonnell, J. and S. Lichtenwalner (2020). An Update on the OOI Data Labs Project. OOI Facilities Board. 5/14/2020
- 2020 Ocean Sciences – Presentations and Posters
- McDonnell, J (2019). Introduction to the Ocean Data Labs Project. OOI Facilities Board. 5/21/2019
Community Workshops
- 2024 Earth Educators Rendezvous. Guiding Students to Use Evidence to Support their Scientific Reasoning. (as part of the Rider University IUSE project)
- 2024 Ocean Sciences Meeting. OOI Data Labs Workshop, Using Ocean Observatory Initiative (OOI) Data to Engage Students in Oceanography.
- 2021 Earth Educators Rendezvous. OOI Data Labs – Online Laboratory Manual for Introductory Oceanography Courses. (more info)
- 2020 Ocean Sciences Meeting. Data Labs: Using OOI Data to Engage Students in Oceanography.
- 2019 Earth Educators Rendezvous. Data Labs: Using Ocean Observatory Initiative (OOI) Data to Engage Students in Oceanography. (more info)
Related Education Publications
Hotaling, L., J. McDonnell, C. Ferraro, K. Florio, and S. Lichtenwalner (2018), Educating with data, in Exemplary Practices in Marine Science Education: A Resource for Practitioners and Researchers, Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-90778-9
McDonnell, J., S. Lichtenwalner, S. Glenn, C. Ferraro, K. Hunter-Thomson, and J. Hewlett (2015), The Challenges and Opportunities of Using Data in Teaching From the Perspective of Undergraduate Oceanography Professors, Mar. Technol. Soc. J., 49(4), 76–85, doi:10.4031/MTSJ.49.4.9.
Related OOI Science Publications from the Data Labs Community
Levine, R. M., K. E. Fogaren, J. E. Rudzin, C. J. Russoniello, D. C. Soule, and J. M. Whitaker (2020), Open Data, Collaborative Working Platforms, and Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Building an Early Career Scientist Community of Practice to Leverage Ocean Observatories Initiative Data to Address Critical Questions in Marine Science, Front. Mar. Sci., 7, doi:10.3389/fmars.2020.593512.
Smith, L. M. et al. (2018), The Ocean Observatories Initiative, Oceanography, 31(1), 16–35, doi:10.5670/oceanog.2018.105.
Earlier talks and posters related to OOI and Ocean Data Education
Lichtenwalner, C. S.; McDonnell, J.; Hunter-Thomson, K.; Halversen, C. (2018), ED41A-07: Engaging Introductory Undergraduate Students with Online Data Explorations, 2018 Ocean Sciences Meeting. (abstract, presentation)
Lichtenwalner, C. S.; McDonnell, J.; Crowley, M. F.; deCharon, A.; Companion, C.; Glenn, S. M. (2016), ED44B-1728: The OOI Ocean Education Portal: Enabling the Development of Online Data Investigations, 2016 Ocean Sciences Meeting. (abstract, poster)
Crowley, M. F.; Glenn, S. M.; McDonnell, J.; Lichtenwalner, C. S.; deCharon, A. (2014). The OOI Education And Public Engagement Team: Real-Time Ocean Data Coming Soon To An Undergraduate Classroom Near You. 2014 Ocean Sciences Meeting. (poster)
Lichtenwalner, C. S.; McDonnell, J.; Mills, M.; Crowley, M. F.; Glenn, S. M. (2014). Educational Visualization: Supporting Student Knowledge Development With Online Interactive Ocean Data Tools. 2014 Ocean Sciences Meeting. (poster)
McDonnell, J. D.; Lichtenwalner, C. S.; Ferraro, C.; Glenn, S. (2014). Developing Problem Based Learning With Undergraduates Using A Web-Based Lab Lesson Builder Software Tool. 2014 Ocean Sciences Meeting. (poster)
Mills, M. P.; Lichtenwalner, C. S.; McDonnell, J.; Crowley, M.; Glenn, S. (2014). Developing Online Tools To Support The Visualization Of Ocean Data For Educational Applications. 2014 Ocean Sciences Meeting. (poster)