OOI Data Labs 2.0!

It's official!  You may have seen the news on the newly redesigned OOI website (which is looking great!), or the recent article on our site: Undergraduates Discover New Ways of Exploring the Ocean... with Data.But in…

Undergraduates Discover New Ways of Exploring the Ocean… With Data

Silke Severmann, associate professor in the Department of Marine and Coastal Sciences, teaches the introductory course in oceanography at Rutgers. Her role in this first-year seminar is to introduce students to the application of technologies…
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Using OOI Data to Teach Data Analysis and Scientific Computing Skills in Upper-Level Courses

Data Labs in the Classroom: Teaching Tips from the Community Dr. Hilary Palevsky, OOI Data Lab Fellow 2020   I am a faculty member in the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences at Boston College. My research is in marine biogeochemistry,…
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Facilitating Student Analysis of Real Data by Creating a Flexible Python Notebook

Data Labs in the Classroom: Teaching Tips from the Community Dr. Tracy Quan, OOI Data Lab Fellow 2020 I am an Associate Professor in the Boone Pickens School of Geology (BPSoG) at Oklahoma State University. My current research focuses on…
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Using Python Notebooks to Build Students’ Skills, Confidence and Knowledge

Data Labs in the Classroom: Teaching Tips from the Community Dr. Sean Crosby, OOI Data Lab Fellow 2020   I am an adjunct at Western Washington University (WWU), and a coastal oceanographer for the U. S. Geological Survey. I work with…
ADCP data from the Oregon inshore mooring of the OOI Endurance Array.
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Teaching Concepts in Data Analysis with Live Coding

Data Labs in the Classroom: Teaching Tips from the Community Dr. Tom Connolly, OOI Data Lab Fellow 2020 I am a faculty member at San José State University and I teach at Moss Landing Marine Laboratories (MLML). I am a physical oceanographer,…
screenshot of data interactive from Plate Boundary Features exploration

Enhancing Lectures with Interactive Data Explorations

Data Labs in the Classroom: Teaching Tips from the Community Dr. Meg Blome, OOI Data Lab Fellow 2020 Hello! My name is Meg Blome and I am a faculty member in the Geological Sciences Department at East Carolina University in Greenville, NC.…

Facilitating Active Learning and Bridging Oceanographic Concepts by Exploring Ocean Acidification

Data Labs in the Classroom: Teaching Tips from the Community Dr. Natasha Gownaris, OOI Data Lab Fellow 2020   Hi everyone! My name is Tasha Gownaris and I teach at Gettysburg College, a small liberal arts college in Pennsylvania.…
Screenshot of the Netcdf file not found error

A workaround for a common error on NDBC DODS

I've long touted the advantages of using NDBC data for introducing students to programming and data analysis, with an oceanographically focused dataset. In particular, their DODS Server makes it fairly easy to access decades of data from hundreds…
Cover of the OOI Special Issue in Oceanography Magazine

Student research summaries can help guide activity development

Early on in our OOI Data Labs project planning, we had a big question: Of all the data collected by the OOI, which datasets would really engage students? The OOI has over a thousand instruments deployed across several Arrays, and all of…

Linking Chlorophyll-a to Fisheries Productivity

Data Labs in the Classroom: Teaching Tips from the Community Sara Smith, OOI Data Lab Fellow 2020   My name is Sara Smith and I teach at Bellingham (WA) Technical College in the Fisheries and Aquaculture Sciences program. We are a…
Screenshot of the Ocean Atmosphere Data Investigation activity

EPE Data Investigations Archive

Back in the early days of the OOI, I was part of a small team of designers and developers who were tasked with building tools to support undergraduate education. Our vision consisted of an OOI Ocean Education Portal that included an integrated,…