OOI Data Labs Workshop at OSM24

On Wednesday, February 21st, we will host a “mini” workshop for professors interested in learning about the Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI) and how they can utilize OOI data to support the teaching of oceanographic concepts and data literacy to undergraduate students.
The workshop will introduce faculty to the community-developed collection of OOI Data Explorations and the online OOI Lab Manual. Participants will learn how these resources can be integrated into introductory oceanography (or similar) courses to support student learning.
This OOI Data Labs workshop will be held from 10:30am to 3:30pm, in a hotel next to the New Orleans Convention Center, making it easy for attendees to participate in both the workshop and the meeting. OSM registration is not required to attend the workshop. Space is limited, so please apply early.
For more information and to apply, please visit the 2024 OOI Data Labs Workshop page.