Ocean Sciences 2020

Ocean Sciences 2020 Logo
Will you be attending Ocean Sciences in San Diego this year? If so, we hope you’ll check out the following talks and posters by OOI Data Labs community members. All of these feature Data Explorations developed as part of the Data Labs project, as well as other activities that use OOI data in the classroom or other educational applications. We hope you’ll join us.


Session: ED21A – Teaching with Data: Engaging Students in Learning Ocean Sciences Through Large Data Sets I
Time: Tuesday, 18 February 2020, 08:00 – 10:00
Location: SDCC – 11B, UL

Time Presenter Title
09:00am Hilary I Palevsky ED21A-05
Using Authentic Data from the Ocean Observatories Initiative in Undergraduate Teaching
abstract | pdf slides
09:15am Charles Sage Lichtenwalner ED21A-06
OOI Data Explorations: A Collection of Online Data Visualization Activities to Engage Introductory Undergraduate Students
abstract | ppt slides
09:30am Anna Pfeiffer-Herbert ED21A-07
OOI Data Labs Workshops: Equipping professors with the tools to tap into a fire hose of ocean data for undergraduate education
abstract | pdf slides
09:45am Benjamin R Jordan ED21A-08
Teaching Students Plate Tectonics and Seafloor Magmatism Using Ocean Observing Initiative (OOI) Data and Resources
abstract | ppt slides


Session: ED24D – Teaching with Data: Engaging Students in Learning Ocean Sciences Through Large Data Sets II Posters
Time: Tuesday, 18 February 2020, 16:00 – 18:00
Location: SDCC – Poster Hall C-D

Presenter Title
Rachel Eveleth ED24D-3628
Exploring seasonal variability in mixed layer depth with Ocean Observatories Initiative Ocean Data Labs
abstract | pdf poster
Cynthia Venn ED24D-3629
Implementation of Google Earth and OOI Data Exercises into an Introductory Oceanography Class
Robert C Rhew ED24D-3630
Oceans and the Carbon Cycle: What Drives Air-Sea Exchange of CO2? Exploring Large Datasets from the Ocean Observing Initiative (OOI)
abstract | pdf poster
Mikelle Nuwer ED24D-3631
Oceans of Data: Enhancing Data Literacy by Bringing Real Data into Introductory Oceanography Courses
abstract | pdf poster
Denise Bristol ED24D-3632
Solving Challenges of Integrating Large Datasets into Community College Asynchronous Online Science Classes by Using a Scaffolding-Learning Cycle Approach to Teaching and Learning
abstract | pdf poster
Dina DiSantis ED24D-3633
Using Ocean Observatory Initiative (OOI) Data to Enhance Student Learning about the Factors Affecting Primary Production in the Southern Hemisphere Polar Pacific Ocean.
abstract | ppt poster
Elizabeth S Gordon ED24D-3634
Using OOI Datasets to Expand Quantitative Skills in an Introductory Oceanography Course

Update: You can find a much larger list of OOI and ocean observatory related talks, posters and workshops listed on the OOI at the Ocean Sciences Meeting page.

In particular, we encourage you to check out the following Town Halls.

Town Halls

Time Location Title
Tuesday, Feb 18
12:45 – 13:45
SDCC – 9, UL TH23G The Ocean Observatories Initiative: a catalyst for early-career, interdisciplinary research
Thursday, February 20
12:45 – 13:45
SDCC – 3, UL TH43A Ocean Observatories Initiative Facility Board Town Hall
Visit the OOIFB website for the Town Hall Agenda and Presentations