Satellites vs. Buoys
A little while back, I received the following question from a Visual Ocean visitor: “When might satellite sst data be more informative than buoy data?”
Sage is a Research Programmer and UX Designer in the Center for Ocean Observing Leadership at Rutgers University.
A little while back, I received the following question from a Visual Ocean visitor: “When might satellite sst data be more informative than buoy data?”
To celebrate Independence Day, I thought it would be fun to dress up the ocean in a little red, white and blue.
This week, was the start of the 2013 Hurricane Season, and already forecasters have declared the first storm of the season, Tropical Storm Andrea.
Last week, I had an opportunity to look through the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) alongside many other ocean educators at the COSEE Network Meeting. Our goal was to figure out how the NGSS could be used to develop activities.
I hope to occasionally share some of my favorite web sites and blogs in easily digestible chunks. This first roundup features some of the top sites on ocean, climate and environmental data and science.
Conductance is an important measurement of water quality in rivers, and it is often related to river discharge.
The USGS’s National Water Information System provides data that is easily accessible to students, allowing them to investigate real-time river conditions at nearby locations or across the nation.
While temperature, pressure or humidity change with more predictable variation throughout the course of a year, streamflow is more closely correlated with major rain and snow events that occur sporadically throughout the year, often in large doses.
Every time it rains there is a potential for flooding to occur. The National Weather Services’ Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service (AHPS) analyzes data and models to issue forecasts of potential flooding events.
Thanks to a network of over 3,000 stream gages monitored by the U.S. Geological Survey, and the WaterWatch web site, we can easily study how rain and snow impact local streams, rivers and estuaries.
In the Mid-Atlantic, the winter months usually bring with them strong storms and high winds, and in the ocean, strong winds in the winter lead to larger significant wave heights on average.
In ocean education, it’s often a challenge to convey how humans and the ocean are connected. One good place to start is where people live.
This site was developed with the support of the National Science Foundation under Grant No. OCE-1831625 and continued support from OCE-2316075. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.