
A workaround for a common error on NDBC DODS
I've long touted the advantages of using NDBC data for introducing students to programming and data analysis, with an oceanographically focused dataset. In particular, their DODS Server makes it fairly easy to access decades of data from hundreds…

Introduction to Python – Data Analysis
Weather is something we all experience. Which is why you'll often find weather-related data used in data analysis courses. Of course, as oceanographers, weather data is far more relevant to our research goals, but it's also useful to start with…

Introduction to Python – Part 1
We now live in an ocean of data.
And of course, that is literally true for those of us who study the ocean.
We've come a long way from the early days of oceanography, when scientists like Nansen, Ekman, and Bjerknes might collect a few…

Riding the Waves of the Seasonal Roller-Coaster
In the Mid-Atlantic, the winter months usually bring with them strong storms and high winds, and in the ocean, strong winds in the winter lead to larger significant wave heights on average.

A Treasure Trove of Buoy Data
NOAA's National Data Buoy Center is tasked with operating and maintaining a network of over 250 buoys and shore stations that collect and relay real-time data on atmospheric and ocean conditions.

Significant Waves
Last week, wave heights at NOAA Station 44025 to reached 18.4 feet as a major nor'easter hit the Mid-Atlantic.