Argentine Buoy Eddy Encounter

‘twas a dark and stormy night. The OOI Argentine Basin Array swayed gently in the water column recording observations and streaming the data back to shore. Then from the briny depths came…THE KRAKEN!!…and dragged the moorings one at a time down to its lair.

In early June 2016 the two Flanking Subsurface Moorings on the OOI Global Argentine Basin Array experienced extreme pressure changes wherein the pressure recorded by the CTDs affixed to the mooring riser at a depth of 30m slowly began to increase until registering maximum pressures around 500 dbar. The other CTDs deployed at various depths on the moorings also recorded similar increases in pressure, though only the data from the 30m CTDs are shown here. At the same time, Acoustic Doppler Current Profile (ADCP) data from the moorings show a shift from an eastward current to a westward one, in addition to a substantial increase in pressure.

Looking at the satellite data, it is clear that the cause of this extreme pressure change and dragging of these two moorings downward was not the Kraken, but rather downwelling eddy activity in the area as a warm core ring can be seen breaking off from the Brazil current and moving west through the array. For more information on warm core rings, check out this OOI Pioneer Array nugget.

It is easy to see how ocean folklore developed hundreds and thousands of years ago from Charybdis in ancient Greece to Jules Verne’s giant squid in “20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.” These tales help to explain the unexplained and humans have relied on the ocean for food and transport much longer than we have had a detailed understanding of its physical properties. In many ways, the ocean still continues to be the next frontier of discovery.

Time series plots of CTD data from Flanking Mooring A. In early June, the 30m CTD began to register pressures around 500 dbar. At the same time, temperature dropped and density increased dramatically. Both of these changes are consistent with the mooring being dragged into deeper, water.

Access Flanking Mooring A Data

Disclaimer: data used in this example and provided in the .csv file were downloaded from the OOI on May 26, 2020. The file format and/or contents could have changed if downloaded directly from OOI Net after this date.

Access from OOI Net:

Pull Data Using Python Code. Code demonstrates how to download CTD and ADCP data from the Global Argentine Basin Flanking Subsurface Moorings using the Machine-to-Machine (M2M) interface, create quick plots, and export the data as a .csv file.

Flanking Subsurface Mooring A CTD (30 m) Data Review

Access Flanking Mooring B Data

Disclaimer: Flanking Mooring B data were downloaded from the OOI with Flanking Mooring A data on May 26, 2020. Data can be pulled and exported as a .csv file using the same Python code. Data can also be accessed from the same .csv file.

Time series plots of CTD data from Flanking Mooring B. These graphs are very similar to those of Flanking Mooring A, the exception being that the event happens a few days earlier on this mooring, which is located to the east of Flanking Mooring A. This confirms that the phenomena causing the mooring disturbance propagated westward.

Velocity Profile data from the ADCP on each mooring. ADCPs are located on the mooring riser at a depth of 500m and are upward looking, meaning they measure the water velocity of the water column above them. During the time of the event, both ADCPs registered pressure readings closer to 1000m depth and observed a shift in water velocity from an eastward to westward flow.

Access ADCP Data

Disclaimer: ADCP data were downloaded from the OOI with the CTD data on May 26, 2020. Data can be pulled and exported as a .csv file using the same Python code.

Access from OOI Net:

Plot ADCP Data Using Matlab Code. Code demonstrates how to graph ADCP data from a .csv file.

Data Review Pages:
Flanking Subsurface Mooring A ACDP
Flanking Subsurface Mooring B ADCP

Video of satellite SST images from May 27, 2016 to June 26, 2016. Satellite SST data are a Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature (GHRSST) Level 4 sea surface temperature analysis produced at the Naval Oceanographic Office (NAVOCEANO) and were were downloaded from the NASA Physical Oceanography Distributed Active Archive Center (PO.DAAC). The video shows an eddy breaking off from the Brazil current in early June and a tendril of the warm current extending out as the eddy breaks off; both travel westward. It is likely that these features observed on the surface extended deep into the water column and caused the change in current captured by the ADCPs on the moorings as well as the moorings to be dragged down hundreds of meters.

Access and Plot Satellite SST Data Using Python Code. Code demonstrates how to access satellite Sea Surface Temperature data from the Physical Oceanography Distributed Active Archive Center (PO.DAAC) and make plots.

Argentine Basin Array Flanking Subsurface Mooring A (GA03FLMA)

Location: In the open ocean, off the coast of Argentina in the South Atlantic
Lat/Lon: 42.4921°S, 42.8802°W
Water Column Depth: 5,200m
Platform: Mooring Riser
CTD (CTDMO-G) – fixed at 30 m on inductive wire
Velocity Profiler, 75 kHz (ADCPS-L) – Syntactic Sphere attached to mooring riser at 500 m

Argentine Basin Array Flanking Subsurface Mooring B (GA03FLMB)

Location: In the open ocean, off the coast of Argentina in the South Atlantic
Lat/Lon: 42.496°S, 42.1255°W
Water Column Depth: 5,200m
Platform: Mooring Riser
CTD (CTDMO-G) – fixed at 30 m on inductive wire
Velocity Profiler, 75 kHz (ADCPS-L) – Syntactic Sphere attached to mooring riser at 500 m

Essentials of Oceanography Textbook Sections

7.1 How are ocean currents measured?
7.4 What are the main surface circulation patterns in each ocean basin?

For more details, check out the full “Textbook Crosswalk”

Next Gen Science Standard Connections

HS-PS2-3. Apply science and engineering ideas to design, evaluate, and refine a device that minimizes the force on a macroscopic object during a collision. Seeing the challenges and hazards of ocean observations provides the opportunity for students to evaluate – how can we do this better? For example, would it be possible to construct a mooring that could withstand this type of eddy force in the future?

OOI Science Theme

Turbulent Mixing and Biophysical Interactions

Additional Resources

SeaWiFS image: Eddies over the Argentine Basin

PO.DAAC GHRSST Level 4 Sea Surface Temperature Analysis

Related Publications

Legeckis, R. and A.L. Gordon. 1982. Satellite observations of the Brazil and Falkland currents— 1975 1976 and 1978. Deep Sea Research Part A. Oceanographic Research Papers 29(3):375-401.