Show Your Stripes
About a year ago, I ran across the cool new site for the #ShowYourStripes campaign.
On the site, you can download a customized climate anomaly graph for any country or state. Spoiler alert: they're all trending from blue towards…

Caution… Real Data Ahead!
I love diving into data and discovering new things about the ocean, and we've been doing quite a bit of that lately*.
But one of the things that really amazes me about the OOI dataset, is that you don’t have to dig far to find some…

Scattering Data to See Correlations
The most popular data visualizations in oceanography are probably timeseries plots and maps. But I suspect a strong third is the scatterplot. While a timeseries plot can show how a variable changes in time, and maps can show variation…

Air and Sea Temperatures
I love creating data visualizations. I always feel like I’m on an adventure when I take some data, visualize it in a number of different ways, and try to make sense of what secrets are hidden inside. Often times you have a good idea…

The Circle of OOI
The complexity of the Ocean Observatories Initiative, simplified to a nice simple circle.

The End of Upwelling
What a difference a week makes. Late last week, the waters off New Jersey were between 5-15 degrees below normal. They're not any more.

The Ocean in Red, White and Blue
To celebrate Independence Day, I thought it would be fun to dress up the ocean in a little red, white and blue.

Tropical Storm Andrea clouds up the ocean
This week, was the start of the 2013 Hurricane Season, and already forecasters have declared the first storm of the season, Tropical Storm Andrea.

Streamflow and Conductance on the Delaware
Conductance is an important measurement of water quality in rivers, and it is often related to river discharge.

Streamflow on the Delaware
While temperature, pressure or humidity change with more predictable variation throughout the course of a year, streamflow is more closely correlated with major rain and snow events that occur sporadically throughout the year, often in large doses.

Riding the Waves of the Seasonal Roller-Coaster
In the Mid-Atlantic, the winter months usually bring with them strong storms and high winds, and in the ocean, strong winds in the winter lead to larger significant wave heights on average.

A Rough and Significant Winter
It has been a rough winter in New Jersey, especially on the coast.