Entries by Sage Lichtenwalner


Discrete vs. Continuous Data

There are two key benefits of ocean serving systems: they collect data over long time periods, and in high-resolution. Many oceanographic experiments rely on a single cruise or mooring deployment. But when a location is designated as part of an observing system, it becomes semi-permeant with multiple moorings succeeding each other. This allows scientist to […]

August 2019 Community Newsletter

Here’s a quick snapshot of what’s in this Data Labs project update: Updates from our June & July Workshops New Data Explorations in Development Ocean Sciences 2020 – Call for Abstracts Project EDDIE Module Development Workshop Updates from our June & July Workshops It’s been a busy summer for the OOI Data Labs team and […]


Caution… Real Data Ahead!

I love diving into data and discovering new things about the ocean, and we’ve been doing quite a bit of that lately*. But one of the things that really amazes me about the OOI dataset, is that you don’t have to dig far to find some really cool things – and perhaps some new science […]

May 2019 Community Newsletter

Next Up: Our June OOI Data Lab Workshop We’re excited about our next Data Lab Development workshop starting on June 1st, here on our “home campus” in New Brunswick, NJ. Ten professors, representing community colleges, primary undergraduate institutions, and research universities from across the country will join us at the Rutgers University Inn. We still […]

Our first Ocean Data Labs workshop is in the books!

Congratulations to our first OOI Data Lab workshop cohort! In March, we welcomed 20 professors from universities, community colleges, and primary undergraduate institutions to the Chauncey Center in Princeton, NJ, for our first weeklong development workshop. At the workshop, which was supported by the National Science Foundation, we partnered with professors to develop, test, refine, […]

Scattering Data to See Correlations

The most popular data visualizations in oceanography are probably timeseries plots and maps.  But I suspect a strong third is the scatterplot. While a timeseries plot can show how a variable changes in time, and maps can show variation in space, a scatterplot clearly visualizes how two variables vary with each other. In an earlier […]

The Upside and Downside of Basic Statistics

When it comes to analyzing and interpreting data, one of the first tools a scientist will reach for are a few basic statistics. This includes calculations like mean, median, standard deviation and range, though there are certainly many others. The great thing about these descriptive statistics is that they can reduce many data points into […]

What Makes a Scientist?

Am I a scientist? That’s a somewhat existential question that I, and others in positions like mine, often find myself asking. I’m sure my friends, and the K-12 teachers I work with, generally think of me as a scientist without any hesitation. To them, it’s seemingly obvious. After all, I work at a research university […]

Air and Sea Temperatures

I love creating data visualizations. I always feel like I’m on an adventure when I take some data, visualize it in a number of different ways, and try to make sense of what secrets are hidden inside. Often times you have a good idea of what you hope to find, but many times you’re surprised […]

Oh My Data

The Ocean Observatories Initiative has a lot of data! Conceived in the late 1990’s, the OOI was designed to bring together a cutting-edge collection of instruments into a single integrated ocean observatory. This observatory would be larger, more advanced and seek to address a set of complex science questions like no other observatory has before. […]