Entries by Sage Lichtenwalner

Data Labs at the OOI Facilities Board

Earlier this month, Janice and I presented an update on the Data Labs project to the OOI Facilities Board during their (virtual) spring meeting. It’s always nice to have an opportunity to reflect on your accomplishments. It’s been almost 2 years since we began this 2-year project (now stretched to 3), and it’s been an […]

Identifying Dataset Sample Rates

Today’s example is rather simple, but it answers a common question I’ve heard… What is the sample rate of my dataset? For many ocean observatory datasets, the rates are usually pretty well defined and constant in time. For example, most NDBC offshore buoys are sampled hourly, while CMAN and NOS Water Level stations record every […]

Merging Datasets For the Win (and export)

If you find yourself with multiple datasets that you need to analyze or plot together, you will probably need to merge them. A merged dataset is handy because all of the data points line up with the same index or timestamp, which allows you to quickly compare variables, calculate correlations or create scatterplots. Because OOI […]

Access the Ocean with OOI

Have you been looking for a good (and quick) video introduction of the OOI to show your students? In case you haven’t seen this video yet, it’s a nice option to consider. This video, Access the Ocean, was produced back in the fall of 2018 by the Consortium of Ocean Leadership, as one of their […]

Data requests the easy way with the OOI API

Welcome back to Python Tuesday! The OOI dataset is not exactly the easiest dataset to work with. But a significant reason for this is that the dataset contains over a thousand individual instruments in the system and 36 different instrument types (and that’s not even counting engineering data streams). So no system with such a […]


Modeling Seasonal Data

Welcome to Python P-Tuesday! In this new series of posts, I hope to bring you a number of Python examples that can help you and your students learn some of the ins-and-outs of using Python for Oceanographic data analysis, especially when it comes to working with OOI data. Many of the examples will come from […]

March 2020 Community News

In this issue: Spring Webinars – Register Now Ocean Sciences 2020 – Recap and Resources New Video: Data as a Tool Implementation Stipends Available OOI Data Labs+ Webinar Spring Series Continues We hope you have benefited from our previous webinars, either by joining live or viewing the online recordings. Our upcoming sessions focus on Teaching […]

Ocean Sciences 2020 Recap

Last week, the Data Labs team and many members of our growing community attended the 2020 Ocean Sciences meeting in San Diego. If you haven’t had a chance to go, Ocean Sciences is a meeting that’s jam packed with thousands of science talks, and dozens of workshop and town halls. You’re basically talking and learning […]

Ocean Sciences 2020

Will you be attending Ocean Sciences in San Diego this year? If so, we hope you’ll check out the following talks and posters by OOI Data Labs community members. All of these feature Data Explorations developed as part of the Data Labs project, as well as other activities that use OOI data in the classroom […]

February 2020 Community Newsletter

In this issue: Spring Webinars Begin February 6th Ocean Sciences Meeting – Workshop and Session Updates OOI Data Labs Online Lab Manual in development OOI Data Labs+ Webinars: Spring Series begins on February 6th Our 2019-2020 webinar series has been a great success so far, with sessions led by various members of our community on […]

December 2019 Community Newsletter

Ocean Sciences Workshop Announced Data Labs: Using OOI Data to Engage Students in Oceanography Sunday, February 16, 2020 8:30am – 4:00pm We will be at Ocean Sciences 2020 in San Diego to present another NSF-sponsored workshop on the integration of Ocean Observing Initiative (OOI) data into undergraduate teaching of oceanography themes and concepts. We are […]