Identifying Dataset Sample Rates

Axial Base Shallow Profiler Mooring - CTD

Today’s example is rather simple, but it answers a common question I’ve heard…

What is the sample rate of my dataset?

For many ocean observatory datasets, the rates are usually pretty well defined and constant in time. For example, most NDBC offshore buoys are sampled hourly, while CMAN and NOS Water Level stations record every 6 minutes.

However, the OOI – with its wide variety of instruments, array locations and telemetry methods – is much more complicated than that. Sampling rates vary from hourly down to 20Hz, with a lot of rates in-between. In addition, the sampling rates aren’t always constant over time. They depend on how precise the data loggers are and whether scientists have requested changes to system configurations based on new scientific goals. Plus, the rates can be different depending on whether you’re working with telemetered (real-time) or recovered datasets.

Of course, the proof is in the pudding. Once you’ve downloaded a dataset from the OOI data portal, this notebook provides a quick example to help you calculate the sample rate of the dataset you have in hand.