
A graph showing 3 different timeseries profiles of temperature, salinity and chlorophyll at the new Pioneer Array Southeastern Profiler Mooring

Pioneer MAB Profiler – New Python Notebook Activity

A new example Python notebook activity Have you ever wanted to play with profiler data from the NSF OOI? For simple exploration, the OOI Data Explorer is a great way to browse and quickly plot profiler data.  (There are currently…
Temperature profiles from 2 Pioneer Array Profilers, showing data from May 2019.

Data Labs Tutorial at WHOI

Today I had the opportunity to virtually present an introduction to the Ocean Data Labs project, along with a short tutorial on working with OOI Profiler data to the WHOI Ocean Informatics Working Group. We had over 40 participants attend, including…
Axial Base Shallow Profiler Mooring - CTD

Identifying Dataset Sample Rates

Today's example is rather simple, but it answers a common question I've heard... What is the sample rate of my dataset? For many ocean observatory datasets, the rates are usually pretty well defined and constant in time. For example,…