
Temperature profiles from 2 Pioneer Array Profilers, showing data from May 2019.

Data Labs Tutorial at WHOI

Today I had the opportunity to virtually present an introduction to the Ocean Data Labs project, along with a short tutorial on working with OOI Profiler data to the WHOI Ocean Informatics Working Group. We had over 40 participants attend, including…

Scattering Data to See Correlations

The most popular data visualizations in oceanography are probably timeseries plots and maps.  But I suspect a strong third is the scatterplot. While a timeseries plot can show how a variable changes in time, and maps can show variation…

Air and Sea Temperatures

I love creating data visualizations. I always feel like I’m on an adventure when I take some data, visualize it in a number of different ways, and try to make sense of what secrets are hidden inside. Often times you have a good idea…