Three people smiling and writing on a large flipchart.

The Inner Workings of Updating a Lab Manual Chapter

Dr. Mikelle Nuwer’s favorite OOI Lab Manual Chapter is the one that focuses on primary production in the Atlantic Ocean. She prefers it over Lab 3, which focuses on the plate tectonics in the Pacific Northwest, even though it’s near where…
Cover of the OOI Special Issue in Oceanography Magazine

Student research summaries can help guide activity development

Early on in our OOI Data Labs project planning, we had a big question: Of all the data collected by the OOI, which datasets would really engage students? The OOI has over a thousand instruments deployed across several Arrays, and all of…

Many Users, Many Needs

Last fall I attended the annual meeting of the Mid Atlantic Coastal Ocean Observation Regional Association. That's MACOORA for those of you who love acronyms. And if you do, then you'll be excited to hear that an underlying theme of the meeting…

Painting Temperatures by Number

Today is the Solstice, and pretty soon the dog days of sumer will be here. (Though, for those of us in the Northeast, we've already seen our fair share.) As things begin to heat up, I figured it would be appropriate to highlight some of the…

What’s out there

Real-time data use in classrooms and other educational settings has gained a lot of attention in recent years. But the challenges to using and incorporating data effectively are still immense. Most of us are still in the prototype phase, trying…